
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pokhara - Phewa Lake

Mt.Annapurna from Fishtail Lodge
View from the Fishtail Lodge Copyright©2008 Indranil Banerjee
I am going to devote this whole article on the Phewa lake. On a cloudy day this is a beautiful mountain lake, surrounded by the city on one side and forests on the other. However, the complete beauty of this lake nufolds only when you see the snowy peaks reflected in its waters.

We woke up to another great view of the mountains. We sipped our coffee in the hotel garden, soaking in the magnificient view and the early morning sun. The smell of water here melds with the gentle aroma of the flowers. A light breeze was breaking the surface of the lake into tiny waves. Just the place to settle down with a cup of coffee and a book!

Unfortunately, we did not have all day. We wanted to take a tour of the lake on a boat. On our request, the hotel arranged for a boat.

Phewa Lake
Phewa Lake                                                                           Copyright©2008 Indranil Banerjee 

 The lake in front of the hotel is just a narrow strip which slowly widens and opens into the huge lake. We stopped only at the Hindu temple, the Tal Barahi temple, situated in a small island in the lake. The boat moored on the small deck of the island. Leaving a boat on your own is quiet a feat. I needed the assistance of all of my limbs and my husband. The mandir courtyard was full of devotees who have come to pay their respects. One family had brought a goat for sacrifice. I have no stomach for animal sacrifices, so we left in a hurry.
Tal Barahi Temple
Tal Barahi Temple on Phewa Lake                                                     Copyright©2008 Indranil Banerjee
On our way back we took another trip around the lake. Even in the early morning we could hear the deer barking in the forest behind us. It was difficult to remember the world we live in a busy city in such a setting. To think we might never see this beautiful scene again was heartbreaking. So, we selected a spot where we will build a house when we grow old. We selected one of the less populated mountains adjoining the lake. All this planning made us think that we will come here again. That made it easy to say goodbye.
Fishtail Lodge
    Fishtail Lodge                                                                       Copyright©2008 Indranil Banerjee


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